
Shivyog all mantra
Shivyog all mantra

Shivyog all mantra

Babaji has taught us how to invoke Shiva, Siddha Gurus, Healing energies etc.

Shivyog all mantra

We are all but ONE! You can even experience his healings while watching his satsangs on TV or even on net! I have lots of personal experiences, before being initiated! Then comes the part of invocation. You will receive it if you ask it sincerely! Try it out! Baba is not reserved for his sadhaks. However, even non inititated sadhaks, who are fans of Babaji, can invoke him to send you energy & or healing. Maa Shakti is not bound by time or space, however, since Babaji spends the time in the morning from 6-6.30 am IST, giving healings or sending energy to his sadhaks, one must do anything & everything to do sadhana during this time, everyday! Then comes the part of the time which is best suitable for sadhana. But the cleaning of the body cavities is an indispensable part of sadhana, no matter what. Not just my view, but Babaji too has explained it. If you do not follow this, you are a sitting duck! 1 may ask whether it is ok to do sadhana without taking a shower? (please try to take the exact meaning of ok which is implied here) & yes, this ? has been taken up in another forum previously, so i am going to take the gist of the whole dialogue or debate & put it here – yes, it is. This is to be done so that no negative energies/entities find any door way in your bodies & cause you harm & ultimately deviate you from the path of Shivyog.

Shivyog all mantra

The first & foremost thing a Shivyog sadhak is expected to do before doing his sadhana is clean all the opening/ body cavities like ears, nostrils, mouth especiall the tongue which is the most dirtiest & infected part of the body, almost 24/7, & the genitals. A basic revision of Shivyog sadhana guidelines.

Shivyog all mantra